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CSRWISSEN group well realize their social responsibility. In order to help provide benefit to the society we run various programs which are looked after by the company’s managing directors personally. In this regard EOTO (Each One Teach One) program is developed specifically for students in Pakistan between age 7 to 20. This program has various objectives, explained as follows:

Short Term Objectives

Currently the program specifically aims to provide education to selected male students from Pakistan (Pakistani Nationals Only) who are mostly orphans or have limited financial resources to fund their education. Such students may be chosen from remote areas or from the general urban and rural setup. In some cases funding is limited to school / college fee and in some cases funding also include the living and the general expenses of the students. This choice of level of funding is made directly by the company’s managing directors. The program prioritizes male students if their guardians agree to let WISSEN decide about their spouses. This is specially done in order to facilitate females between age 18 to 23 who are either orphans or have extremely limited funding for their marriages.

How You Can Be Part of Our Short Term Objectives: You can help us by donating. Just dial +92-300-5129344 in order to understand our payment procedure or write to us at

Zafar-Shamim Scholarship Program: Please visit >>>>>THIS LINK for details.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space]

Long Term Objectives

Our long term plan includes incorporation of our EOTO program with WISSEN Education System. Quality of education will be our main target and the program would mainly enable needy students to acquire quality education free of cost.

How You Can Be Part of Our Long Term Objectives: As for now we need your support in order to pursue our goals.