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Welcome to iTEES

[vc_column_text]iTEES @ WISSEN works with solutions and services related to IT Enabled Services / Solutions, Software Engineering Services / Solutions, IT Outsourcing Etc. Our core strengths fall in customized solutions for our clients. We mostly work and undertake projects and programs that are related to learning, knowledge and / or information dispersal. We believe in developing solutions for the betterment of our client’s business. Teams @ iTEES possess strong technical and technology management skills. Our teams provide excellent product and project management services in addition to the end solutions that we provide to our clients. Delivery of our products and our project / product development is done using the CMMI principles in order to ensure high quality. We ensure that the solutions that we produce for our clients are easily customizable, upgradeable and manageable. Each of our products is accompanied with a huge set of free trainings that enable our clients in understanding products effectively. We also ensure that the products that are obtained from iTEES are installed and used at customer end effectively, through free on job trainings. In short our service formula is SOLUTIONS @ ITEES = PRODUCT + TRAININGS + ON JOB TRAININGS. In addition to our service formula we also provide free Transfer of Technology (TOT) wherever desired.

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