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Welcome to ConTra

[vc_column_text]The largest of all the groups of WISSEN, ConTra exists as WISSEN’s core Donde Comprar Cialis business strength. ConTra does a variety of business related to training and consultancy. @ ConTra we provide our valued clients with extremely high end knowledge solutions / services by providing them training and consultancy services / solutions. The training services / solutions at ConTra are specially customized keeping in view our customer’s training requirements. At ConTra, we deliver large scale technical and managerial based trainings to our customers. We believe in development of our customers. Next to trainings services and solutions, ConTra offers consultancy services and solutions. This part of ConTra’s business help our customers understand and overcome their organisational and individual issues, problems and concerns. With consultancy through ConTra our valued clients can enhance their productivity, quality, effectiveness, knowledge and efficiency. ConTra @ WISSEN offers a variety of consultancy services and solutions (technical and managerial). Some of our key consultancies include (but not limited to) Quality Service Solution and Applied Research Service Solutions. At ConTra we also help our valued clients in completion of their consultancy and training assignments through outsourcing. ConTra changes its customers, enhances their skills and knowledge, help them resolve problems, help its clients manage their business in a better way, ensures high returns for its clients, makes them learn more and more. Our focus is human resource development (managerial and technical) and core consultancy for the benefit of all.

ConTra@WISSEN is proud to have on boards more than 104 consultants and trainers from all across the globe. Each member of our consultants and instructors team are masters of their own field. Many of them are at most important strategic positions in multinational organisation, most of them are PhDs and many are deeply involved in R & D. Each of our consultants’ and instructor’s profile is unique and bears no match with any other expert from their area of interest. @ ConTra; we are sure of success of our programs and projects due to our extremely unique, highly knowledgeable and experienced consultants and trainers team. Consultant pool @ ConTra also provide strong support of iTEES, eX2T and ECATION.

In order to see our upcoming training programs visit Latest @ WISSEN and contact

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